The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as SNAP, is part of a federal nutrition program that helps qualifying low-income households purchase nutritious food. This program is designed to increase their nutritional level so that households can stay healthy.
Individuals must apply for the program and provide all the required documentation. In order to qualify, applicants must meet certain financial criteria(income, assets) and non-financial (state residency, citizenship/alien status, work registration, and other) requirements.
How to apply:After the application is filed, the individual will be interviewed by a case worker and should be prepared to answer questions related to the household situation. Once it is determined that the applicant is eligible for SNAP benefits, an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card will be sent via mail to the address provided in the application. It will also include instructions on how to activate the card and choose a Personal Identification Number (PIN). The EBT card should be signed immediately.
The amount of benefit provided is based on income, resources and the number of individuals in the household. SNAP benefits are issued monthly on the EBT Card. This card can be used just like a debit card at authorized grocery stores and food retailers. SNAP benefits can be used to purchase almost any food item, except ready-to-eat hot foods. It can also be used to buy seeds and plants to grow fruits and vegetables. The following items cannot be purchased with SNAP benefits: tobacco, alcohol, pet food, soap and other household products, medicines, and other non-food items.
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